Men's Mental Health and Wellbeing at Fivium

As part of our Mental Health Month, we delve into the topic of men's mental health and wellbeing. We spoke to four colleagues to understand what mental health and wellbeing mean to them personally. From prioritising exercise and self-care practices to breaking down the stigma around mental health, Chris, Nils, Julian, and Rob share their experiences and insights on maintaining a healthy body and mind.

Chris Wood

"When it comes to Health and Wellbeing, for me, it’s very important to recognise the balance between physical and mental health. Something I’ve come to realise over the last few years is that there is no point in prioritising exercise and physical fitness to the exclusion of everything else or to run away from problems. It is easy to fall into this trap as I have in the past; while good physical health is important it means little without good mental health. I’m trying to implement regular practices and routines to promote good health and wellbeing, including developing my spirituality and creativity, areas I’ve neglected up to this point in my life.

The morning meditation sessions we run at Fivium have been really helpful towards this, having space in the work day for this practice has been very beneficial and over time it has led to a lot of positive changes for me.

Breaking down the stigma around mental health is important to me because too many people suffer in silence, and it's important that people are aware there is help available, from conversations with friends, family and coworkers, to therapists and other professionals."

Nils Wengert

"My health has always been important to me. I strive to have an active lifestyle and a balanced diet. Part of this is cycling to work and it is great that Fivium offers good bike storage and a shower to wash off the road after my commute. And having free fruit and a healthier option of snacks makes it easier to avoid the birthday cakes and doughnuts that are plentiful like in most London offices.

Suffering from a bad back, I appreciate the ability to raise my desk and stand whenever I need to, while daily meditation sessions help me stay calm and focused throughout the day. I also appreciate the excellent health cover that Fivium offers which is there when I need it but also encourages me to see my dentist and optician a lot more regularly than I would otherwise."

Julian Rye

"Looking back over more years than I care to count, I recognise that I’ve been blessed with very good health and wellbeing. I’ve recently lost a friend to cancer, however, and have seen others struggling with their mental health so maintaining a healthy body and mind has become increasingly important to me.

This has led me to set myself some simple goals – maintaining a balanced diet, taking regular walks, and ensuring I get enough rest. Fivium is also helping me look after myself in ways such as providing access to quality private healthcare plans and encouraging a healthy work environment. It’s initiatives like Health Month activities that remind me of the need for a balanced and fulfilling life and set Fivium apart from my previous employers."

Robert Loveless

"For me, physical health and mental wellbeing are strongly dependent on each other. As a keen cyclist, I find the physical exertion and social interaction cycling brings is my main outlet for stress, and a source of enjoyment. This can however easily tiptoe into the realms of dependence and I definitely find it hard when I’m not able to get out on the bike. Having been injured lately I have a personal goal of getting back to strength, but in a controlled and disciplined way since I find it very easy to think things are healing well only to overdo it and put myself back to square one. Lately, this has rekindled my enjoyment in other sports and activities and perhaps, even brought a little less dependence on cycling.

Something I really value about working at Fivium is that I know the effect this and other things can have on my wellbeing is easily understood and checked in on regularly. It saddens me to know this is not necessarily the norm throughout other workplaces or even between social groups for some. I’d love to see the stigma around mental health further broken down so that people feel more able to talk about their own wellbeing."

The importance of mental health and wellbeing cannot be overstated. By promoting mental health, breaking down stigma, and creating supportive environments, we can ensure that everyone at Fivium has the resources and support they need to thrive.

“By fostering a culture that values mental health, we aim to provide resources, initiatives, and programs throughout the year to support everyone at Fivium. For us, mental health is not just a tick-box exercise, it is deeply ingrained in our DNA and is something we genuinely care about.” Matt Fletcher, Co-Founder

Fivium actively encourages and supports open conversations and education about mental health to create a supportive environment where individuals feel safe to seek help and support if needed.

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